A qualitative analysis of the implementation of the Common Assessment Framework (CAF Education) in primary schools in Murcia (Spain)
The desire to improve the quality of the non-university educational system is increasingly common to find models for the management of total quality, from the business world, applied to the educational field. The CAF education Model (common Assessment Framework) is being implemented in the educational centers of the region of Murcia since the course 2012/2013. However, there is no evidence of the state of such implantation and the opinion of the groups Involved. The aims of this study were: (1) to find out about the reasons why schools decided to introduce the CAF Education Model, (2) to describe the way in which it has developed or is developing the implementation of model CAF education in the primary school of the first stage in the CARM, and (3) to identify the difficulties that have faced the educational centres in the implementation. Through a descriptive, qualitative, survey-type study, Thirteen professionals from schools were interviewed. The results showed that the main reason for introducing the Model was a need for improving school organization and management. The Model was primarily implemented by school committees devoted to quality assurance and elected by schools themselves. The main difficulties for participants and those involved in the implementation process were understanding the complex language used in the implementation process, as well as the great efforts required for the Model to be fully operational.
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