Integration policies for university education. The case of indigenous and Afro-Colombian people and the problem of dropout


  • Rafael Alberto Méndez Romero Universidad del Rosario
  • César Augusto Delgado García Universidad del Valle
Keywords: Dropout, educational model, didactic contract, assessment

Supporting Agencies

  • Universidad del Rosario
  • Universidad del Valle


To overcome the ruptures of the educational model that influence the desertion in the university education system, we agreed to carry out an intervention by enrolling the indigenous and Afro-Colombian students admitted in 2006-II to the different engineering programs offered by the Universidad del Valle in the courses of calculation. The experience is given as an investigation-intervention process that was designed and implemented with the objective of providing an opportunity, real and not only legal to the students who enter the engineering plans due to ethnic exception condition, to access the knowledge scientific and technological aspects of the university.



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Author Biographies

Rafael Alberto Méndez Romero, Universidad del Rosario

Departamento de Matemáticas Aplicadas y Ciencias de la Computación. Coordinador del Servicio de Matemáticas. Profesor Principál de Carrera Académica

César Augusto Delgado García, Universidad del Valle

Departamento de Matemáticas. Profesor Especial
How to Cite
Méndez Romero, R. A., & Delgado García, C. A. (2018). Integration policies for university education. The case of indigenous and Afro-Colombian people and the problem of dropout. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 21(2), 109–123.