Creating educational videos in Teacher Training: a case study


Keywords: Audio-visual education, teacher training, didactic materials, media pedagogy


The main goal was to assess the response of prospective primary education teachers to a project over the design, elaboration and presentation of an educational video. 92 students (21,21 ± 2,13 years) enrolled in year-3 of the Bachelor of Arts: Primary Education agreed to participate. Since there was not a specific assessment instrument, two questionnaires were developed: A. to assess participants’ beliefs on educational videos as pedagogical tools (pre-post) and B. to assess the project after its implementation (post). Participants were also asked to answer an open-ended question at the end of the project. Quantitative results showed that participants significantly increased several variables: stimulates teacher and students’ commitment, promote significant learning, develop basic competences, helps integrate contents from different subjects, fosters creativity and has more advantages than disadvantages for teaching. Quantitative analysis revealed five positive themes: satisfactory/positive/interesting experience, useful for teaching, group work, motivating and creativity; and one negative: difficult task. The design, elaboration and presentation of educational videos is seen as a valuable tool in the initial training of Primary Education teachers. It helps strengthen their training, and it is seen as appropriate for their future teaching practice.


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How to Cite
Fernandez-Rio, J. (2018). Creating educational videos in Teacher Training: a case study. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 21(1), 115–127.