Mathematical competence, attitude and anxiety towards mathematics in future Primary school teachers


  • Rosa Nortes Martínez-Artero Universidad de Murcia
  • Andrés Nortes Checa Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Mathematical competence, attittude to mathematics, anxiety to mathematics, Primary School Education


Pre-service teachers’ mathematical competence, based on a proper command of school curriculum content, is an instrumental teaching competence, and attitude and anxiety are important factors when it comes to acquiring this competence. In order to analyse these students’ knowledge on school-level mathematics, to know their attitude and anxiety towards mathematics, to describe the relationship between cognitive and affective variables, and to signal frequent mistakes, 174 students from the University of Murcia (academic year 2016/17) were selected and given an exam on school-level mathematics and two questionnaires to measure anxiety and attitude towards mathematics respectively. The results show that one in three students did not have mathematical competence proper of the 6th year of Primary School, and that in the second year (the first year with a subject in mathematics), two in five students failed the test and one in five students failed all the blocks established in the Primary School Official Curriculum. Their attitudes towards mathematics was slightly positive and they did not have anxiety to mathematics. Men obtained better results than women and it was in Geometry that more mistakes were made. Students failed half the items implying reasoning and reflecting.




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Author Biographies

Rosa Nortes Martínez-Artero, Universidad de Murcia

Profesor Ayudante Doctor

Departamento  de Didáctica de las Ciencias Matemáticas y Sociales

Andrés Nortes Checa, Universidad de Murcia

Catedrático Escuela Universitaria

Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Matemáticas y Sociales

How to Cite
Nortes Martínez-Artero, R., & Nortes Checa, A. (2017). Mathematical competence, attitude and anxiety towards mathematics in future Primary school teachers. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 20(3), 145–160.