Valuation of the training of the future teachers of French as a foreign language in the Primary Education Degree at the University of Murcia
This article aims to study the opinion of the students of the last year of Primary School at the University of Murcia towards their training to teach French as a foreign language and culture. Its purpose is to evaluate the linguistic and didactic training in French as a foreign language, based on the students' assessment. This evaluation was carried out by means of an exploratory study; the students were given two mixed questionnaires, one initial, at the beginning of the last academic year 2015-2016 and another one, at the end of the course. The answers provided us with information about the students' assessment on their language skills in French, their teaching competences related to the teaching of that language and culture and the use of varied and authentic resources in the classroom. Likewise, we have seen that French students claim to be sufficiently trained in both the acquisition of linguistic and didactic competence. The results obtained reflect that the students positively value the training and feel prepared for the use and elaboration of varied materials for the classroom.
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