Initial self-reflection: a strategy for the improvement of the teaching practice


  • Juan Manuel Méndez Garrido
  • Sara Conde Vélez
Keywords: Initial self-reflection, teacher training, teaching practice, university education


This article presents a study whose main objective is to know the reflections of students at the beginning of the course to improve the teaching practice of university teachers through the initial self - reflection. The questionnaire becomes an initial self-reflection document exploring the assessments students make about it.

To do this, a questionnaire is applied to open-ended questions to students of the subject of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Social Education, which reflects on the following applies ; reflection on the work process; reflections on the attitude of teachers and other suggestions.

For the treatment of qualitative data analysis is done by organizing the information obtained in the different categories established. The contributions obtained in each of the sections the common elements will be selected by expressing a parenthetical phrase and including the number of times it is repeated. In assessing the objectives values obtained by each of them. The results reveal the initial self-reflection as a useful tool for teachers, which can be taken into account in the design of the classes will be added



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How to Cite
Méndez Garrido, J. M., & Conde Vélez, S. (2018). Initial self-reflection: a strategy for the improvement of the teaching practice. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 21(1), 17–31.