Descriptive analysis of impact of quality management systems (EFQM & ISO) in Primary Education centers of Galician Autonomous Community


  • Eva María Espiñeira-Bellón University of Murcia
  • Dorinda Mato Vázquez
  • Mª del Carmen Mariño Barral
Keywords: Impact, quality management systems, education centres, primary education


The need to improve education centres through quality management systems (SGC) is becoming more and more common. The quality systems mostly used for this are the family rules UNE-EN-ISO 9000 (ISO 9001) and the system of excellence of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM). However, the impact of these implementations isn't tackled, therefore, our main objective is to carry out descriptive analysis of impact perceived by teams of teachers and school managers in 24 galician educational institutions (35 cases) in primary education as a result of the implantation of the SGC.
The results show that although the degree of application of the system EFQM is low in these centres, it seems to be the appropriate for them. The general results are more positive in centres where the Rule ISO was implanted.
Through the analysis results, we managed to find out up to what point the effort made with the implantation of the system EFQM or the Rule ISO 9001 in primary education centres can really produce the objectives or results expected.


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How to Cite
Espiñeira-Bellón, E. M., Mato Vázquez, D., & Mariño Barral, M. del C. (2016). Descriptive analysis of impact of quality management systems (EFQM & ISO) in Primary Education centers of Galician Autonomous Community. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 19(3), 103–113. Retrieved from