The inclusion process in a classroom communication and language. Perceptions of educational community


  • José Peirats Chacón University of Murcia
  • Silvia Cortés Mollá Universidad de Valencia
Keywords: Special education, opinion, family, faculty


At the present time, inclusion is one of the highest priorities of both the education sector and society in general. The work that we present is framed within the ongoing debate about the different opinions and beliefs existing on the issue. Specifically, we show the results obtained in a case study, where we assess the perceptions of teachers and families of the students in a Valencian Communication and Language classroom, about the inclusions process carried out through its five years of functioning. Through a mixed research design, we use qualitative tools as interviews and participant observation and quantitative instruments as surveys, applied on a sample consisted of families of students in that classroom and teachers from the school. The conclusions emphasise that among families and teachers the classroom has been well received and there is a working process to improve the inclusions of the students; although the data collected shows as well that the response has not been unanimous and the host of the classroom and the students has provoked different reactions.



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How to Cite
Peirats Chacón, J., & Cortés Mollá, S. (2016). The inclusion process in a classroom communication and language. Perceptions of educational community. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 19(3), 91–102.