The didactics of mental operations which intervene in the teaching-learning process


  • Carlos González Di Pierro University of Murcia
Keywords: Educational research, didactics, cognition


In educational research, the continuous search to find the right way to tackle the teaching-learning process, has taught us how difficult it is to establish one of those approaches that might be successful and suitably enough, due to the amount of variables, categories, characteristics, and constructs which could result from education and, specifically, in the matter related to learning achievements. In this article, we present a proposal which have to be satisfactorily overarching in order to be considered in different areas, and in schooling fields and levels, but without losing sight of possibility, practicality, and peculiarity principles; these ones should always regulate an educational method when it is designed.

The main objective of this research is to analyze, to study, and to go any further into this issue of series of mental operations, which are present in the educational theory as well as in the educational practice. These processes are described and developed after two perspectives: the theoretical models which have studied these processes, especially on or after Educational Psychology, Philosophy of Education, and Cultural Studies, and as well as the operational models (teaching practice/teaching training) that can be implemented in terms of education.



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How to Cite
González Di Pierro, C. (2016). The didactics of mental operations which intervene in the teaching-learning process. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 19(3), 67–75.