The training of Science teachers from the perspective of Human Rights Education: along the path of a cordial reason


  • Roberto Dalmo Varallo Lima de Oliveira Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Glória Regina Pessôa Campello Queiroz Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Keywords: Cordial content, Human Rights Education, training of Science teachers


This article gives a reflection on the training of Science teachers (Chemistry, Physics and Biology) from the perspective of Human Rights Education. Based on the observation of our current context - marked by migration, communication and the intensification of movements that bring to the school context the struggle for articulation of differences in the search for equality - we believe that an education that does not valorise the plurality as essential for democracy and social justice is untenable. The schools ideal of “all” is not possible if the differences are not respected and they have representation in the school routine. Thus, our article is divided into four sections: the first will highlight the relationship between Science Education (CE) and Human Rights Education (HRE), while the second one will seek to develop the concept of friendly knowledge from the Ethics Cordial Reason philosopher Adela Cortina; the third section will focus on the model of teacher training as "sociocultural and political agents" and the educational workshops on human rights, and the fourth section will bring some final reflections of the article and future research proposals.



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Author Biographies

Roberto Dalmo Varallo Lima de Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Licenciado en Química por la Universidade Federal Fluminense (2012), Maestría em Ciencia, Tecnología e Educación - CEFET-RJ y estudiante de doctorado por lo mismo programa. En la actualidad es profesor de la “Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT)”. Opera especialmente en la búsqueda de la convergencia entre la Educación en Ciencias y la Educación en Derechos Humanos, tanto en la educación básica cuanto en la formación del profesorado.

Glória Regina Pessôa Campello Queiroz, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Licenciada en Física por la Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (1970), Maestría en Ciencias de los Materias por lo “Instituto Militar de Engenharia” (1976) e doctorado en Educación por la “Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro” (2000). En la actualidad está acreditada en “Programa de Pós-Graduação Ciência Tecnologia e Educação (PPCTE)” – CEFET/RJ.  También es profesora de lo Instituto de Física Armando Dias Tavares da UERJ (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro). Opera especialmente en la formación del profesorado, enseñanza de física, CTS y ciencia y arte. Coordinadora institucional de LIFE/CAPES  en la UERJ

How to Cite
Oliveira, R. D. V. L. de, & Queiroz, G. R. P. C. (2016). The training of Science teachers from the perspective of Human Rights Education: along the path of a cordial reason. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 19(2), 1–13.