Understanding the factors affecting transfer of university teachers' permanent training. Proposals for improvement


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/reifop/20.1.240591
Keywords: Transfer, teacher’s training, university teachers, teaching development

Supporting Agencies

  • REDU


This article addresses the transfer of teacher training in the university.

In this article, we present the results of the qualitative inquiry to comprehend these factors of Holton, Bates, and Ruona (2000) and of requesting experts to offer proposals to increase transfer.

Three focus groups were carried out in the three participating universities of the study to determine the factors to employ for the assessment of university transfer teacher's training. The groups comprised 21 people in charge of university teacher training. The quantitative results obtained regarding the factors affecting learning transfer were examined in depth.

We confirmed the relevance of the factors identified in the questionnaire: the design of the training and learning carried out; the support of the teacher in charge; predisposition to change; resources of the setting; student feedback; institutional acknowledgment; teaching culture of the work team and personal organization of the work. In addition, the experts contribute proposals to increase transfer, confirming and extending the meaning of the factors that facilitate or hinder transfer related to personal aspects, the training program, and organizational or cultural aspects.


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Author Biography

Marina Tomàs-Folch, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Profesora titular

Departamento de Pedagogía Aplicada

How to Cite
Tomàs-Folch, M., & Duran-Bellonch, M. (2017). Understanding the factors affecting transfer of university teachers’ permanent training. Proposals for improvement. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 20(1), 145–157. https://doi.org/10.6018/reifop/20.1.240591