Gender equity in higher education: a solved problem?


  • Inma López Francés
  • María Isabel Viana-Orta
  • Beatriz Sánchez-Sánchez
Keywords: Gender, teacher, University, values.


This study is part of an investigation whose aim is to provide evidence about the perceptions of students of the University of Valencia with respect to equality and gender violence. It's a pluri- methodological work, which integrates a qualitative and quantitative, approach through the use of a scale-questionnaire and discussion groups. The aim is to assess the current situation of these dimensions, uncovering out differences and similarities according to sex and the field of knowledge to understand the phenomenon. This article is about a specific factor: the figure of the University teaching staff, key to achieving effective equality between women and men. In general, the results have revealed that students perceived that their teacher is not concerned or does not value issues related to gender equality. Differences according to sex and level of knowledge with respect to the figure of the University teaching staff and its work with respect to these dimensions have also been found. University students want that their teachers assume responsibilities and integrate into their practice, real and effective, gender equality issues.


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How to Cite
López Francés, I., Viana-Orta, M. I., & Sánchez-Sánchez, B. (2016). Gender equity in higher education: a solved problem?. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 19(2), 349–361.