Languages of specialization and oral interaction in the tourism sector: reflections upon its implication in the Higher Education Area


  • María del Pilar Blanco Calvo
  • María del Carmen Garrido Hornos
Keywords: Higher Education, competences, languages of specialization, communicative interaction, tourism


The second languages teaching and learning process in the university studies of Degree in Tourism has suffered important changes. In this paper we analyse their consequences, both in the search of pedagogical models in line with the European Higher Education Area —changes which foster autonomous learning— and in the adaptation of the languages of specialization to the linguistic, pragmatic, sociolinguistic and functional necessities typical of the tourism sector.

This adjustment to the learners’ needs —prospective professionals of the tourism field— implies a reflection upon the transcendence of the development of the oral communicative competence, but also upon the psycholinguistic difficulties involved in this type of learning.


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How to Cite
Blanco Calvo, M. del P., & Garrido Hornos, M. del C. (2013). Languages of specialization and oral interaction in the tourism sector: reflections upon its implication in the Higher Education Area. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 16(1), 25–40.