The corporal practice and body image: rebuilding meanings.


  • Angela Vaquero Barba Universidad del País Vasco
Keywords: Body image, the corporal and motive activity, self-observation, thoughtful learning.


This work presents an experience, in the area of teachers´ training at the elementary level, linked to how we understand our own corporal image. It  takes  the corporal and motive activity as its main idea,  from then working in awareness of how we perceive, feel and value our body; in valuing  the motive - corporal activity as tool for the construction of new meanings; and, in the need to empower our students to re-learn the way in which they perceive,  feel and value their body. The results support the need to empower female students to value and appreciate their corporal image, the suitability of corporal practices to stimulate processes of reconstruction and the role of the writing skill as tool that gives form to the overall reconstruction.


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Author Biography

Angela Vaquero Barba, Universidad del País Vasco

Profesora titular del Departamento Didáctica de la Expesión Musical, Plástica y Corporal. Area de Didactica de la Expresión Corporal. Universidad del País Vasco.

Doctora en Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación

How to Cite
Vaquero Barba, A. (2014). The corporal practice and body image: rebuilding meanings. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 17(1), 176.