Sociodemographic profiles and political self-definition in Spain:

An analysis with dependency techniques of the left-right dichotomy in times of neo-fascism


  • Aileen Chales-Aoun Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • María Muñoz-Carballo Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Politic ideology, Political self-definition, Sociodemographic profiles, Discriminant analysis, Logistic regression


In recent years, a growth of the right has been perceived in various parts of the world, and Spain has been no exception. To analyze this phenomenon, and without the intention of polarization, it is necessary to look back and compare the ideological positions of the Spanish electorate forty years after the beginning of the Spanish democratic period (1983-2023). In this sense, this research aimed to determine the sociodemographic profiles of Spaniards according to their political self-location in the left-right dimension. For this, the database of the latest CIS barometer of March 2023 was used to perform a logistic regression analysis and a discriminant analysis. It was found that the current panorama of the left-right dichotomy is very similar to the first democratic period (1983-2011). The sociodemographic variables that would predict self-assignment of left or right would be, in order of decreasing importance, the person's religion, social class, sex, and age. In conclusion, although the perception of a right-wing social hegemony in Spain is demystified, it is important to always carry out these historical-political analyzes from a longitudinal, contextual and methodologically responsible approach to avoid falling into polarizing sensationalism.


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Author Biographies

Aileen Chales-Aoun, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Aileen Chales-Aoun is a sociologist from Universidad de Concepción (Chile) and has a Master in Pedagogy for Higher Education from the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción (Chile). She is studying for a Master's degree in Research Methodology in Social Sciences: Innovations and Applications at UCM. She is interested in quantitative social research methodology applied to the fields of education and social inequality.

María Muñoz-Carballo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

María Muñoz-Carballo is a sociologist from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She works in qualitative and quantitative social research, and is studying for a Master's degree in Research Methodology in Social Sciences: Innovations and Applications at UCM. She is interested in areas such as sociological analysis with personal documents, analysis of biographies, and documentary archives.


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How to Cite
Chales-Aoun, A., & Muñoz-Carballo, M. (2024). Sociodemographic profiles and political self-definition in Spain:: An analysis with dependency techniques of the left-right dichotomy in times of neo-fascism. Revista de Estudios Globales. Análisis Histórico y Cambio Social, 3(6).