Indexed in
Author Guidelines
Submitted manuscripts shall be absolutely unpublished and deal with an original research topic related to the following research fields: Spanish Literature, Latin American Literature, Literature Theory and Comparative Literature.
They shall be submitted in electronic format, more precisely using Microsoft Word for PC.
All manuscripts shall be peer-reviewed. The journal commits to informing authors of the results, and authors shall collaborate in this process by offering corrections of their own work.
Rules for originals
Composition of the manuscript: Times New Roman, single spacing, justified to the right with standard margins, indenting the first line and simple line spacing (bold, underline and small caps shall not be used, except for centuries written using Roman numbers); if there are sections and subsections, they shall be written in lower case and numbered consecutively (including the introduction and conclusion) starting with 1, inclusive (1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2).
Title: in the same language as the paper, in upper case, centred, font size 14; below, its translation into another modern language (preferably English), in upper case, centred, font size 14.
Author details: the following information should be included centred in a line below, in lower case, font size 12: full name, e-mail and professional affiliation.
Abstract and keywords: for the Monographic and Varia, in Spanish and in another language (preferably English), abstract of 100 words maximum and list of maximum six keywords, with the aforementioned font and size 10.
Length of the manuscript: maximum length of 15 pages for papers and of 3 for reviews (the latter about a recent study to be bibliographically described in note 1).
Composition of the manuscript in Times New Roman, font size 12, justified.
Images: If the author considers essential to reproduce an image to illustrate his/her text, he/she is kindly requested to provide it together with the caption that will accompany it. The illustrations originals shall be returned to the author once the work has been concluded. Copyright shall be respected.
Citations in the manuscript
Citations not exceeding four lines in length shall be included in the body of the text in quotation marks (double curly quotes: “...”). If there is a citation within the first one, angled quotes («…») should be used and, in the event there is another citation within the second, single curly quotes (‘…’) should be used.
Citations exceeding four lines in length shall be written in font size 11, indented, with single spacing and no quotation marks.
Citations in other languages shall be included in normal font and in quotation marks.
The deletion of text within a citation shall be indicated with three dots in square brackets.
At the end of a citation, the author’s surname, year and page shall be written in brackets (Genette, 1972: 241) and will be cross-referenced to the final Bibliography. If the author's surname is right before the brackets, it shall be omitted in brackets.
To refer to consecutive page numbers in a citation, the following example shall be followed: (Genette, 1972: 241-244). If the pages are not consecutive, the following example shall be followed: (Genette, 1972: 241, 250).
If more than one publication of the same author in the same year are cited, after the year a small letter shall be included in alphabetical order to distinguish them: (Lázaro Carreter, 1980a: 45), (Lázaro Carreter, 1980b: 67), (Lázaro Carreter, 1980c: 78).
If two or more publications by the same author are included in the same brackets, the years shall be separated by a semi-colon and the name of the author shall not be repeated (Genette, 1972: 241; 1983: 35).
If two or more authors are cited in the same brackets, these shall be separated by a semi-colon (Genette, 1972: 241; Cohn, 1978: 245).
Footnotes shall only be used for clarifications.
Location of the footnote reference
The number of the footnote reference shall appear as a superscript and after the punctuation mark. The Word function programmed to this end shall be used.
Font size 10 shall be used in footnotes.
It shall be included at the end of the manuscript, with font size 12, in alphabetical order and according to the following guidelines:
Books and monographs
Surname(s), Name (year). Book title. Place of publication, publisher, edition number if appropriate.
Kristeva, Julia (1974). El texto de la novela. Barcelona, Lumen.
Cortázar, Julio (1984). Rayuela. Barcelona, Editorial Bruguera, 6.ª edición.
When there are multiple authors, the author’s surname shall always come before his/her name, the different authors shall be separated by a coma and the last one shall follow the word “and”.
Thion, Dolores; Encinar, Ángeles y Beltrán, Luis (2018). La ciudad del sol. Antonio Ferres, la ciudad y el realismo social. Madrid, Editorial Gadir.
When there is no explicit author, just the name of the editors, the following text shall be included (ed. / eds.) after the name and surname.
Trapiello, Andrés y Bonet, Juan Manuel (eds.) (1988). A una verdad. Sevilla, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo.
When there is an editor or a translator, his/her name shall be added after the cited publication.
Ayala, Francisco (1981). Muertes de perro y El fondo del vaso. Edición de Mariano Baquero Goyanes. Madrid, Espasa-Calpe.
Faulkner, William (1982). Santuario. Traducción de José Luis López Muñoz. Barcelona, Ediciones Orbis.
Book chapters
Surname(s), Name of the author (year). “Chapter title”. In Surname(s), Name of the editor(s) (ed.) (eds.) / coordinator(s) (coord.) (coords.), Book title. Place of publication, publisher, pages.
Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Borja (2020). “Consideraciones sobre el cuento del Romanticismo español”. En Baquero Escudero, Ana Luisa y Vicente Gómez, Francisco (coords.). Mariano Baquero Goyanes. Teoría de la novela y el cuento, Madrid, Visor, 35-53.
Surname(s), Name (year). “Paper title”. Journal title, volume, number, pages.
Ugalde Quintana, Jeannette (2015). “Pensar desde la heterogeneidad en Antonio Machado”. Destellos, 2, 87-97.
Doctoral Theses
Surname(s), Name (year). Thesis title (Doctoral Thesis). Name of the Institution, Place.
Espino, Román (2015). De la colaboración como heteronimia (Tesis doctoral). Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Conference or symposium proceedings
Surname(s), Name (year). “Conference title”. In Surname(s), Name of the proceedings editor or coordinator. Title of proceedings, place of publication, publisher, pages.
Martínez Arnaldos, Manuel (2011). “Balbuceos de la literatura comparada en España (1900-1936)”. En Cots, Montserrat y Monegal, Antonio (coords.). Actas del XVII Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada. Barcelona, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 35-46.
Digital literature sources
Surname(s), Name (year). “Document title”. Retrieved from: (URL) (date of user’s last visit to the website).
Ferrari, Marta B. (2013). Teresa, de Miguel de Unamuno: un caso de mistificación literaria. Recuperado de: (último acceso: 22/05/2019).
It is highly recommended that DOI of publication be included, where available.
In the case of multiple authorship, the first footnote of the article must include information on the specific contribution of each of the authors.
In accordance with the editorial policy on the citation of funding sources in published articles, the author must cite, if any, such funding sources (for example, the research project) in the second footnote.