Pablo Neruda y la alegría


  • Vicente Cervera Salinas Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Joy, Autobigraphy, Poetry evolution, Romantics, Ethics


Critical essay on the “Oda a la alegría” of Pablo Neruda from “the ethical” notion of this feeling, like “greater force” than exclaims the will to live. The first “Odas elementales” (1954) are taken as joint of texts where a well defined poetic personality is very materialized, always in contrast to the faces of its creation of youth, and in where the joy draws up the irreducible contrast with the bitterness of the “Residencia en la Tierra”.


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How to Cite
Cervera Salinas, V. (2004). Pablo Neruda y la alegría. Monteagudo. Revista de Literatura Española, Hispanoamericana y Teoría de la Literatura, (9), 93–108. Retrieved from
Monográfico: cien años con Neruda (1904 - 2009)