Un signo poético-pictórico: relectura de un poema concreto de I. H. Finlay


  • GRUPO μ Monteagudo
Keywords: Rhetoric, Spatial poetry, Discursive Rhetoric, Visual Rhetoric


Through the analysis of English writer I. H. Finlay’s poetic text “Star/Steer”, a spatial poem, members of the m Group show that it doesn’t differ in its rhetoric working from normal poetry - which had been studied in RhÈtorique de la poÈsie - . The description of the visual element reveals that, granted the specifi city of its units and their differences, it is also possible to describe it in general terms in a similar way than discursive element thanks to Rhetoric, a general Rhetoric placed in the mediation process between Cosmos and Anthropos.


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How to Cite
Monteagudo G. μ. (2003). Un signo poético-pictórico: relectura de un poema concreto de I. H. Finlay. Monteagudo. Revista de Literatura Española, Hispanoamericana y Teoría de la Literatura, (8), 161–180. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/monteagudo/article/view/78231