Notas sobre la comunicación retórica en Quintiliano


  • Tomás Albaladejo Mayordomo
Keywords: Quintilian, Rhetoric, Communication, Discourse, Orator, Audience


In this paper I deal with some Quintilian’s ideas and proposals concerning rhetorical communication. His views on the constitution of discourse and the components of rhetorical event are interpreted in a communicative way. The rhetorical question is defi - ned communicatively by the author of the Institutio oratoria, who pays attention to the existence of two or more opposed discourses centred on the same thematic basis. Quintilian conceives rhetoric as a tool for human relationships and, thus, it provides communicative structure for the elements which are necessary for these relationships. The communicative projection of these elements is carried out by rhetoric, that links orator and hearers through them.


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How to Cite
Albaladejo Mayordomo, T. (2003). Notas sobre la comunicación retórica en Quintiliano. Monteagudo. Revista de Literatura Española, Hispanoamericana y Teoría de la Literatura, (8), 27–35. Retrieved from