"Carmen" y "Lola", las revistas de Gerardo Diego


  • Manuel Ruiz-Funes Fernández
Keywords: Literary journals, Carmen and Lola, Creationism, Generation of 1927, Gerardo Diego, Juan Larrea, Luis A. Piñer


Carmen y Lola, the journals published in Gijón and Santander by Gerardo Diego, provided the panorama Generation of the 27 with signs of confluence, like the page for Góngora’s centenary, the Tontología or the tribute ot Fray Luis de León in his centenary. The participation of Gerardo Diego, Juan Larrea or Luis A. Piñer meets the first manifestations of Creationism.


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How to Cite
Ruiz-Funes Fernández, M. (2002). "Carmen" y "Lola", las revistas de Gerardo Diego. Monteagudo. Revista de Literatura Española, Hispanoamericana y Teoría de la Literatura, (7), 87–100. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/monteagudo/article/view/77701
Monográfico: Revistas literarias y literatura del siglo XX