A vista de cómico (De cómo he vivido y sentido la profesión y el oficio de actor en los años de mis inicios y en el momento actual)


  • Juan Meseguer
Keywords: Drama, theatrical activity, commitment, background, studies, Virtues, defects, success, failure in the profession


This paper contains an analysis with personal connotations of the sixties and seventies, years of political relevance, in which I initiated myself in the theatrical activity, as a job and a career. With regards to the access and the professionals who have worked with me, these years are governed by an idea of political and social commitment. This time is compared with nowadays where most problems, obstacles and aspirations are the same but the circumstances have changed. Access to the profession is more difficult, though success can arrive before. A certain crisis in the values treasured by the actor has occurred.


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How to Cite
Meseguer, J. (2006). A vista de cómico (De cómo he vivido y sentido la profesión y el oficio de actor en los años de mis inicios y en el momento actual). Monteagudo. Revista de Literatura Española, Hispanoamericana y Teoría de la Literatura, (11), 61–86. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/monteagudo/article/view/76841
Monográfico: el teatro español ante el siglo XXI