Un año de ilustración en el cuento semanal (1907) y su posterior influencia


  • Tana García Mínguez
Keywords: Short novel literary collections, Semiotic-discursive analysis, Illustrated image, The Weekly Tale


The article that we present begins from the importance of the illustration, considered as a semioticdiscursive category, within the literary collection of short novel, those who had triumphed in Spain at the beginning of the twentieth century. We have focused our attention on the 52 first copies of The Weekly Tale, published all through the year 1907. This collection, a pioneer among the literary magazines of short novel presents, as far as the techniques and semantics of the illustration is concerned, a series of characteristics that will remain all along the life of this magazine, as well as in other short novel collections that appeared after it. We have carried out a semiotic comparative study between the illustrations included in these 52 copies, those that represent the first year of the publication of The Weekly Tale and the illustrations that appear on the seven greatest collections of short novel: The Weekly Tale, The Contemporaries, The Short Novel, The Popular Story Book, The Weekly Novel, Today’s Novel and The Worldly Novel.


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How to Cite
García Mínguez, T. (2007). Un año de ilustración en el cuento semanal (1907) y su posterior influencia. Monteagudo. Revista de Literatura Española, Hispanoamericana y Teoría de la Literatura, (12), 67–90. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/monteagudo/article/view/75951
Monográfico: centenario de "El cuento semanal"