Eduardo Zamacois y su literatura memorialística (una impagable aportación a la no escrita historia de la bohemia madrileña)


  • José Estebán
Keywords: Autobiography, Literary History, Sociology, Bohemia, «Cafés», Collection of Anecdotes


This paper offers a critical appraisal on some autobiographical writings of Eduardo Zamacois, creator and editor of El Cuento Semanal, and particularly of Tipos de café (Siluetas contemporáneas), 1936. This work by Zamacois is one of the least spread and known, which shows an interesting historical-literary revision of some of the most popular characters of the Madrilenian Bohemia (Pedro Barrantes, Alfonso Vidal y Planas, Gregorio Pueyo, editor of Bohemios), as well as of the atmosphere of the most remarkable «cafés» of the time (Imperial, Café de Platerías, Café del Vapor, Colonial) and the writers and artists who gathered there (F. Villaespesa, E. Carrére, R. Gómez de la Serna, Julio Antonio, etc.).


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How to Cite
Estebán, J. (2009). Eduardo Zamacois y su literatura memorialística (una impagable aportación a la no escrita historia de la bohemia madrileña). Monteagudo. Revista de Literatura Española, Hispanoamericana y Teoría de la Literatura, (12), 57–66. Retrieved from
Monográfico: centenario de "El cuento semanal"