The representation of the Egyptian in Cairo my love by Rafael Pardo Moreno


  • Madian Maghrabi Aswan University
Keywords: Pardo Moreno, Cairo, my love, the representation of the Egyptian, novel.


The objective of the present investigation consists in the analysis of the representation of the Egyptian in Cairo my love (2015), by Rafael Pardo Moreno. In this article I will emphasize the most outstanding features of his character, the general lines that mark his life are at a cultural, social, solidarity, human and political level under a totalitarian and oppressive regime that reflects the negative image of the heavy bureaucratic machine of the authorities and their malfunction during the last decade of the Mubarak mandate at the beginning of the 21st century. In this sense we will use as support the studies of Adela Cortina, Lucien Goldman, Oscar Tacca, Genette, W.J.T. Mitchell, Bobes Naves y Garrido Domínguez, among others.


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How to Cite
Maghrabi, M. (2025). The representation of the Egyptian in Cairo my love by Rafael Pardo Moreno. Monteagudo. Revista de Literatura Española, Hispanoamericana y Teoría de la Literatura, (30), 79–96.