Lo inaprensible y lo mudable de la novela corta


  • Cristina Gimeno Calderero Universidad de Zaragoza
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/monteagudo.493111
Keywords: Litearture, Short novel, Raquel Velasco


In this review we will contextualice and present Short novel in conflict. Five essays around Uncertainty (2020), from Raquel Velasco. In addition to framing this work, we will explain each of the five parts that compose it, pointing out what issues are adressed and the mecanisms for analyze short novel genre. This will lead us to a contextualization in short novel studies, as well as to a reflection on the theory of this genre.




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Velasco, Raquel (2020). La novela corta en conflicto. Cinco ensayos alrededor de la incertidumbre.

Veracruz, Instituto de Investigaciones Lingüístico-Literarias.

How to Cite
Gimeno Calderero, C. (2022). Lo inaprensible y lo mudable de la novela corta. Monteagudo. Revista de Literatura Española, Hispanoamericana y Teoría de la Literatura, (27), 437–440. https://doi.org/10.6018/monteagudo.493111