Intertextuality and perception of recent history: El rey recibe (2018) by Eduardo Mendoza
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- Double-Coding, Intertextuality, Faction, Contemporary Spanish novel, History, Eduardo Mendoza
El Rey Recibe presents, under a layer of apparent simplicity, a double coding made of 49 intertextual quotations, -literary, from historians, psychiatrists, reverends, carols, magazines and from posters- which complement the text. They remind us of the hybrid nature of the novel whilst inviting us to unmask the apparent objectivity of historical discourse and to explore the problematic nature of knowledge. The aim of this article is to analyze the role of these quotations as pieces of a textual collage which questions what we think to know about the Spanish Transition. In the process, the reader is prompted to approach this “faction”, a mixture of “fiction” and “facts” with new eyes.
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