Music and Ramón Gaya


  • Pedro Sanz Ayala Profesor Superior de Viola, Violín y Música de Cámara. Conservatorio de Música de Murcia. Licenciado en Historia del Arte. Violista del Cuarteto Saravasti.
Keywords: Ramón Gaya, Music, Victoria de los Ángeles, Salvador Moreno


This article deals with the importance that music had in the life and work of Ramón Gaya: how it influenced the creation of his work and how it is reflected in it, in his painting, in his literature, in his poetry. We will study the admiration and enthusiasm that Gaya felt towards music and towards some of its main figures, the influence of the music on his work and the large amount of music-themed writings and paintings that Gaya left us. Gaya was a complete creator and artist. Painter, writer, essayist, poet ... And music was always present in his life and in his work.


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Auden, Wystan Hugh, Otro tiempo, Valencia, Editorial Pre-textos, 1993.

Cobos, Pedro, Versos y Canciones, Murcia, Editora Regional de Murcia, 1993.

Franco, Enrique (ed.), Imágenes de la Música Iberoamericana, edición especial Quinto Centenario, Santander, Fundación Isaac Albéniz, 1992.

Gaya, Ramón, El sentimiento de la Pintura, Madrid, Arión, 1960.

Gaya, Ramón, Cartas de Ramón Gaya (a Tomás Segovia, Salvador Moreno, Rosa Chacel y María Zambrano), Murcia, Ayuntamiento de Murcia/Museo Ramón Gaya, 1993.

Gaya, Ramón, Ramón Gaya de viva voz. Entrevistas (1977-1998), selección y presentación de Nigel Dennis, Valencia, Editorial Pre-textos, 2007.

Gaya, Ramón, Obra completa, ed. de Nigel Dennis e Isabel Verdejo, Valencia, Editorial Pre-textos, 2010.

Moreno, Salvador, El Sentimiento de la Música, Valencia, Editorial Pre-textos música, 1986.

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How to Cite
Sanz Ayala, P. (2021). Music and Ramón Gaya. Monteagudo. Revista de Literatura Española, Hispanoamericana y Teoría de la Literatura, (26), 209–226.