Nuevas formas y soportes de escritura poética en Latinoamérica


  • Laura López Fernández University of Waikato, Hamilton, Nueva Zelanda
Keywords: Latin American experimental poetry, cyborg, Jose Aburto, Gustavo Romano, technowriting


This article explores different modalities of experimental writing in Latin America from the role of mediums and technologies in the compositional process. Despite the heterogeneity of styles, emphasis is placed on certain constants and their discursive implications that propose a change of aesthetic and cultural paradigm, breaking with traditional expectations of what is meant by text, poem, author and reader. Within this creative line we can include IP Poetry by Gustavo Romano, eduardo Kac’s biopoetry, installations and poetic interventions by José Aburto, as well as other styles of poetic writing such as performative and videopoetry.


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How to Cite
López Fernández, L. (2019). Nuevas formas y soportes de escritura poética en Latinoamérica. Monteagudo. Revista de Literatura Española, Hispanoamericana y Teoría de la Literatura, 24, 161–177.