La revista Temas: una propuesta humanista en los años sesenta


  • Fernando Aínsa
Keywords: Sixties, Dialogue, Poetry, Humanism, Otherness


The magazine Temas (Montevideo, 1965-1968) directed by Benito Milla, a Spanish emigre, re- cognized bookseller and founder of the Editorial Alpha of intense activity in the sixties of last century, was inscribed in an unpublished humanist project in the Uruguay of the time. Benito Milla, who had directed the magazine Deslinde (1956-1961), accommodated young Uruguayan authors and advocated an open editorial line in the name of intercultural dialogue that he advocated in years of cold war and growing political tension, giving poetry a privileged place. He claimed that «the movement of culture is deeply libertarian» and that freedom is not «a bourgeois prejudice». In this essay we recover the  gure of Benito Milla and the importance of Deslinde and Temas in the history of Uruguayan literary magazines.


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How to Cite
Aínsa, F. (2017). La revista Temas: una propuesta humanista en los años sesenta. Monteagudo. Revista de Literatura Española, Hispanoamericana y Teoría de la Literatura, (22), 259–268. Retrieved from