Fieles al presente. Cartas intercambiadas entre Guillermo de Torre, Norah Bor- ges, Carmen Conde y Antonio Oliver


  • Pablo Rojas
Keywords: Guillermo de Torre, Carmen Conde, Norah Borges, Antonio Oliver, exile


This article studies the relation between three writers (Guillermo de Torre, Carmen Conde y Antonio Oliver) and one painter (Norah Borges) along the twentieth century. Their friendship arises during the «Segunda República» through initiatives such as the Almanaque Literario 1935, ADLAN or the «Universidad Popular de Cartagena». The Spanish Civil War changes their lives: Guillermo de Torre and Norah Borges move to Argentina, while Carmen Conde and his husband Antonio Oliver rest in Spain. Nevertheless they continue exchanging news and books till the death of Guillermo de Torre in 1971.


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How to Cite
Rojas, P. (2015). Fieles al presente. Cartas intercambiadas entre Guillermo de Torre, Norah Bor- ges, Carmen Conde y Antonio Oliver. Monteagudo. Revista de Literatura Española, Hispanoamericana y Teoría de la Literatura, (20), 161–211. Retrieved from