Los precedentes de la B.A.E. en la génesis y configuración de los Orígenes de la novela


  • Ana L. Baquero Escudero
Keywords: Biblioteca Autores Españoles, Aribau, Fernández de Navarrete, Menéndez Pelayo, Novel


Menéndez Pelayo historiography work, Orígenes de la novela, came up as a project that should complete the place and treatment that the genre presented in the Biblioteca de Autores Españoles. There’s a close connection between this piece of work and the previous contributions of the BAE. The present study aims to show their repercussion and the fact that they were used by Menéndez Pelayo, and at the same to make clear the achievements and the progress made by the erudite regarding this matter.


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How to Cite
Baquero Escudero, A. L. (2015). Los precedentes de la B.A.E. en la génesis y configuración de los Orígenes de la novela. Monteagudo. Revista de Literatura Española, Hispanoamericana y Teoría de la Literatura, (17), 15–28. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/monteagudo/article/view/227981