La intensidad lírica de José Julio Cabanillas


  • Juan Carlos Abril
Keywords: José Julio Cabanillas, reflexion, lyrism, ethical, meditation


The poetry of José Julio Cabanillas is one of the most intense and lyric in the contemporary Spanish scene. In this article we review all of his poetical books and we bring closer to the reader the constants through which his poetry circulates, very much related to a thoughtful voice, ethical, emotional, meditative, close to the poetry of the experience, where he belongs chronologically, but from which he early shifted in his beginnings, on purpose, researching another depth and other nuance apart from the anecdote. It is for this reason that José Julio Cabanillas seems to us one of the best contempaorary poets in Spanish language.


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How to Cite
Abril, J. C. (2015). La intensidad lírica de José Julio Cabanillas. Monteagudo. Revista de Literatura Española, Hispanoamericana y Teoría de la Literatura, (18), 225–238. Retrieved from