El infierno de la mediocridad. De Roberto Arlt a Juan Carlos Onetti


  • Vicente Cervera Salinas Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: hell, space, existentialism, Onetti, Arlt


The aesthetic and spiritual line that connects Roberto Alrt with Juan Carlos Onetti’s work, appears in this article through the analysis of two symbols: hell as space, and existential uneasiness as both the ideological and historical atmosphere of the period and degenerated morality and mediocrity.


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How to Cite
Cervera Salinas, V. (2009). El infierno de la mediocridad. De Roberto Arlt a Juan Carlos Onetti. Monteagudo. Revista de Literatura Española, Hispanoamericana y Teoría de la Literatura, (14), 59–78. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/monteagudo/article/view/105871
MONOGRÁFICO: Bienvenido, Onetti (1909-2009)