Call for papers: Monographic Monteagudo 30: "Spaces of Theory".


Monográfico: "Spaces of Theory".

Coordinators: Basilio Pujante (Universidad de Murcia) and Alejandro Arozamena (Universidad de Cantabria).

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The so-called “spatial turn” in the human sciences opened at the end of the last century the possibility of destabilizing the text from (interdisciplinary) perspectives that redefined a new conceptual framework of approach to the literary: figures of displacement (from the migrant to the tourist), cartographies literary, the body as an identity space, rhizomatic and heterological explosions of narration... The awareness that we are fundamentally spatial beings has forced us to review not only the fictional systems of (re)construction of reality, but also the very status of the literary , and undoubtedly urges us to relocate the theory of literature as a place that produces knowledge among the disciplines that deal with social practices in the changing scenario of contemporary culture.


We propose to specialists interested in these matters to participate in a monograph focused on the consequences of the so-called spatial turn of culture, on the poetics of space in contemporary literature and art and on other problems associated with the topographic imaginaries present in all genres. and cultural creations. The dynamics between the city and characters from sociological, economic and gender perspectives, the so-called rural literature, the travel narrative, the presence in it of “non-places”, the poetics of displacement, the figures of the same, serve as an example of these. , such as migrants or tourists, uchronic, utopian, dystopian and future spaces, etc. The proliferation of new theoretical approaches, motifs and imaginaries demonstrates the existence of a paradigm shift in the approach to literature linked to a modification of its own ontology in the course of the last decades that this monograph aims to address.


AVANESSIAN, Armen; (2003). “L'espace et le temps en art: considérations contre-historiques”, In: Le Philosophoire, n° 19, p. 175-194.

BACHELARD, Gaston (2006). La tierra y las ensoñaciones del reposo, México: FCE.

— (2003a). La intuición del instante, México: FCE.

— (1961). La Poétique de l'espace, París: PUF.

BLANCHOT, Maurice. (1955). L’Espace littéraire, París: NRF/Gallimard.

DEBORD, Guy. (1999). In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni. Damos vueltas en la noche y somos devorados por el fuego. Barcelona: Ateneu Enciclopèdic Popular.

La sociedad del espectáculo. Valencia: Pre-Textos, 2015.

HARVEY, David. (2013). Ciudades rebeldes. Del derecho de la ciudad a la revolución urbana. Madrid: Akal.

—. (2007). Espacios del capital. Hacia una geografía crítica. Madrid: Akal.

—. (2000). «Reinventar la geografía». New Left Review 5: 107-26.

JAMESON, Fredric. (1989). Documentos de cultura, documentos de barbarie. Madrid: Visor, 1989.

—. (1991). El Posmodernismo o la lógica cultural del capitalismo avanzado. Barcelona: Paidós Ibérica.

—. (2003). «Fear and Loathing in Globalization». New Left Review 23 (2003): 105-15.

—. (1995). «Is Space Political?» En Anyplace, editado por Cynthia Davidson, 192-206. London: MIT Press.

LEFEBVRE, Henri. (2013). La producción del espacio. Madrid: Capitan Swing.

—. (2011). Signaturas de lo visible. Buenos Aires: Prometeo.

LYOTARD, J-F. (1991). La condición posmoderna. Madrid: Cátedra.

MORETTI, Franco. (2006). The Novel. History, Geography, and Culture. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

TUAN, Yi-Fu; (2001). Space and Place. The Perspective of Experience, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

VIRILIO, Paul. (1997). El cibermundo, la política de lo peor. Madrid: Cátedra.

WARF, Barney, y Santa ARIAS. (2009). «Introduction: the reinsertion of space in the humanities and social sciencies». En The Spatial Turn: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 1-11. Nueva York: Routledge.

ZUMTHOR, Paul. (1997). “La poésie de l’espace”, In: Inter : art actuel, n° 50: p. 21-26.