About the Journal

About the journal

  1. Approach and scope
  2. History of the journal
  3. Frequency of publication
  4. Section policy
  5. Peer review process
  6. Statement of good practice
  7. Open access policy
  8. Sponsor
  9. Code of ethics
  10. Copyright notice
  11. Privacy statement



  1. Approach and scope


MONTEAGUDO. Revista de Literatura Española, Hispanoamericana y Teoría de la Literatura (Journal of Spanish and Latin American Literature and Literature Theory) is a scientific journal published annually with articles addressing topics related to Spanish and Latin American literature, literary theory, compared literature, literary criticism, communication, poetry and rhetoric. Its print ISSN is 0580-6712 and its electronic ISSN is 1989-6166.

Authors wishing to publish their work shall submit their manuscript together with their personal details (full name, ORCID, institutional affiliation, e-mail and telephone number), using the online application they will find on the website; they shall also participate in the peer review process and provide corrections of manuscripts.

Manuscripts shall comply with the journal’s publication rules and shall be an original piece of work of scientific relevance that has never been totally or partially published by any other journal and that is not in the process of doing so.

This journal does not charge authors for the submission or processing of articles and shall acknowledge receipt of manuscripts received. 

Authors will not be able to publish two articles in consecutive volumes, or more than one review in the same volume.


  1. History of the journal


The journal Monteagudo was founded in 1953 by Mariano Baquero Goyanes, professor of Spanish Literature of the University of Murcia. In that “first period” it had the subheading Publicación de la Cátedra Saavedra Fajardo (Publication of the Saavedra Fajardo Chair), referring to its origin as expression body for that entity, which soon became extinct, although the journal outlived it for many years. The Saavedra Fajardo Chair was a body founded in the 1940’s by the Provincial Council of Murcia for the University to organise cultural events with an impact on local society. Its first director was Ángel Valbuena Prat. When Mr. Baquero Goyanes was appointed as Director of the Chair in 1953, he believed that the publication of a literary journal would be a way to relate to the society of Murcia. The journal had two periods: 1953-1970 and 1976-1984. 84 issues were published.

As of 1985, when it changed its format and editorial guidelines and dispensed with its link to the aforementioned Chair, it was run by a Steering Committee and the “second period” started with issues following a new numbering. It then became a journal organised by the Secretariat of Publications itself, with the renewed aim of turning it into the body linking the University and the artistic and literary society of the Region, also wishing to have an impact at national and international level and with an amazing typography display due to the illustrations provided by different local artists to whom annual monographs were dedicated. 11 issues were published from 1985 to 1993.

In 1993, the journal became extinct but, with the foundation at that time of the new Department of Spanish Literature and Literature Theory and Compared Literature, the Publication Service offered the Department the possibility of creating a departmental journal of academic and scientific nature. This is how the “third period “of Monteagudo, and current one, started with the subheading Revista de Literatura Española, Hispanoamericana y Teoría de la Literatura (Journal of Spanish and Latin American Literature and Literature Theory), with a new structure and the aim to publish a monograph in each annual edition. 



  1. Frequency of publication


Monteagudo is an annual journal including a monographic section and a varied or miscellaneous one, in addition to reviews. It will be published in March/April of each year. 

Submission of manuscripts is opened in March and closed on 1 October of the relevant year.   

Any novelties regarding dates will be announced on the “Notices” section of the journal.


  1. Section policy


The journal determines the section policy. The Monteagudo issues have a monographic section and a varied or miscellaneous one. Manuscripts are sent through the journal platform and subject to a review process. A maximum of 15 manuscripts will be published. Moreover, there is a section of reviews, with a maximum of five being published in each issue.

  • The miscellaneous section of articles is open to free participation and manuscripts will be published in order of date of acceptance.
  • A coordinator or group of coordinators (of whom at least one ought to be a member of the Department) shall be appointed to be in charge of the monographic section and shall commit to collaborating with the Editorial Team in the review and edition process of manuscripts, especially of the monographic section. The topics of monographs, as well as the list of their coordinators, shall be approved by the Department Board, prior approval by the Editorial Board. Proposals for monographs submitted for consideration shall include: title, summary of contents and a list of guest authors as well as potential reviewers and a draft open call for the receipt of originals. 
  • Reviews of recent scientific publications may be entrusted by the Editorial Board and also upon proposal of interested parties. Books reviewed shall be sent to the journal’s directors, which will subsequently be donated to the University Library.


  1. Peer review process


Originals received are first assessed by the journal’s Steering Committee to decide whether they adapt to knowledge areas and to authors’ requirements.

The Steering Committee sends the originals to two external reviewers without the author’s name on them. These issue a report within a maximum of six weeks on the items to be reviewed on the journal platform. In the event of disagreement between both reviewers, the Committee decides whether to request a third report or not. Based on these opinions, the Steering Committee decides whether to reject, accept or request modifications are made to the manuscript. 

The authors receive a justified and reformulated notification presenting the content of the original reports, with precise instructions for modification of manuscript, if appropriate, and an assessment of it, according to the journal’s criteria.

Each report includes an assessment on relevance, methodology, drafting, bibliography and publication rules, in addition to observations. The final assessment will determine whether it may be published or not and, in the first case, if there are major, minimal or no corrections to be made. 

The final acceptance date by the journal includes the time devoted by the authors to the final revision of their work or to submit any information they might be requested.  Originals that have already been rejected will not be taken into consideration by the journal again.



  1. Statement of good practice


Commitments acquired by the people related to the journal (director or directors, steering committee, editorial board, advisory council, honorary committee, monograph coordinators, reviewers and authors) are contained in the journal’s Bylaws, approved by the Department Board, that is in charge of safeguarding and reviewing them. In these Bylaws, it is said that “the fact that a person is a member of any of the journal bodies implies their express commitment to fulfilling their roles meeting the following requirements: respectful language shall be used with all people and institutions, both in meetings and in communications taking place in the framework of the journal; under no circumstances shall original manuscripts be shown or distributed with an aim other than the editorial process to be carried out by the journal; due confidentiality shall be respected regarding deliberations and resolutions developed within the journal”. 



  1. Open access policy

This journal provides its contents by means of open immediate access of the full text, under the principle that allowing for free access to research findings leads to further exchange of knowledge at global level.

Click on Copyright for more information.


  1. Sponsor


Monteagudo is a scientific journal of Spanish and Latin American Literature and Literature Theory published by the Department of Spanish Literature, Literature Theory and Compared Literature of the University of Murcia by means of its Publication Service. 


  1. Code of ethics


Monteagudo. Revista de Literatura Española, Hispanoamericana, Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada respects the international code of ethics of the Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE Code of Conduct and the Best Practices Guidelines for Journal Editors and the Code of Good Practice for Research and Scientific Publications (CBPI) of the University of Murcia.  

Manuscripts sent to Monteagudo to be assessed shall be original and unpublished, and shall not have been approved for publication in any other journal. The double-blind review method is used, this way both the author and the reviewers remain anonymous. The latter may use anti-plagiarism tools.

Authors will be responsible for obtaining the relevant permits to partially reproduce any copyrighted material (images, graphs, texts). In addition, they are urged to declare any possible conflict of interests regarding the submitted manuscript.

Consideration as signing authors shall be given to those participating in the design and preparation of the text, those involved in its drafting and in the approval of the final version. 

Monteagudo takes no responsibility for the opinions expressed by authors in their manuscripts.


  1. Copyright notice


Authors retain their publication rights with no restrictions. 

Authors shall confirm that they have the right to publish the images or annexes included in their work. The graphic or illustrated content shall be inserted in the text in the corresponding place.



  1. Privacy statement


The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.