El patrimonio como recurso turístico: de los caminos de Aníbal a las tierras del Quijote (Albacete)


  • Aurelio Cebrián Abellán


The corridor which separates the Betics Mountains spurs and Albacete central plains is a natural passage between the Meseta and the Levante, presenting differentiated landscape features. Moreover, it is a strategic crossroad used by ancient civilizations, who left a rich heritage in this area. It consists of two contrasted counties, whose most representative environmental and historical elements have been integrated in other relevant tourist routes: Caminos de Aníbal, Campos de Hellín, The Route of Don Quijote, and Campo de Montiel. Both counties present remarquable wetlands, a relevant iberian and roman archaeological heritage, an important militar, religious and civil architecture, as well as a genuine ethnographical heritage. It is in Campo de Montiel where the visitor can face places and facts from the spanish literature masterwork El Quijote. In consequence, cultural tourism could be another element in territorial development, the introduction of new approaches being a key aim.


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How to Cite
Cebrián Abellán, A. (2007). El patrimonio como recurso turístico: de los caminos de Aníbal a las tierras del Quijote (Albacete). Estudios Románicos, 17(2), 35–51. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/estudiosromanicos/article/view/94581
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