Ciphered letters from Roma to Philip II, during the conclave (1565-1566)


Keywords: 16th Century, Diplomacy, Coded Languages, Rome


The secrecy of the deliberations during the conclave, together with the aspirations of some cardinals, were the subject of great interest at the court of Philip II. From Rome, Cardinal Pacheco was in contact with the secretary Gonzalo Pérez and, after his death, with his son Antonio Pérez. Other correspondents were Luis de Requesens, the Comendador Mayor de Castilla and, incidentally, Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle. 

The investigation was based on two fundamental phases: consulting the files AGS Est. Leg. 899-903, belonging to the Rome collection, containing the encrypted and decrypted letters regarding the correspondence between Luis de Requesens, Comendador Mayor de Castilla, and the Spanish sovereign; and the encrypted letters from other correspondents such as Cardinals Pacheco and Granvelle, which arrived in Rome in early 1566.

After transcribing the deciphered parts of the encrypted letters, which involves assigning the key signs to the alphabet, to the syllabic system of bi and triletters, and to the lexical system, the key of the encryption system used by the characters who were in Rome and those who resided at the court in Madrid was reconstructed.

Keywords: Coded languages, 16th Century, Roma, Diplomacy.


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Author Biography

Clarissa Maria Leone, Universidad de Salamanca

licenciada en Lettere Moderne en la Università del Salento, es Doctora en Lenguas, Literaturas y Culturas, y sus Aplicaciones por la Universitat de València con una tesis titulada Pedro Pablo de Ribera: Le glorie immortali (1609). Studio, edizione filologica e note. Actualmente es profesora de Filología Italiana en la Universidad de Salamanca. Su campo de trabajo habitual es el estudio filológico de los textos del siglo XVI.


Simancas (Valladolid)

Archivo General de Simancas: Legajos 899-902.

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30-01-2025 — Updated on 31-01-2025
How to Cite
Leone, C. M. (2025). Ciphered letters from Roma to Philip II, during the conclave (1565-1566). Estudios Románicos, 34. (Original work published January 30, 2025)