Feminine Reality and Poetic Fantasy: Nerval between Literary Criticism and Lexical Statistics
The objective of this contribution consists of a quantitative evaluation of a qualitative analysis previously conducted by Alice Machado in 2006. Her work concluded, indeed, that the feminine representations depicted within the literary work of Gérard de Nerval, entitled Voyage in the Orient, remain inaccessible.
By mobilizing the Hyperbase software, developed by Professor Étienne Brunet, we seek to demonstrate, in an irrefutable and quantified manner, that the feminine reality so coveted by the author ultimately reveals itself to be elusive. This reality would find its exclusive expression only within the meanders of dreams, legendary tales, and myths.
The application of the Bravais-Pearson correlation method will proceed with the aggregation of the lexical items associated with the key terms "woman" and "love." This will allow us to highlight the terms they attract, as well as those they repel, thus completing the demonstration of the unattainable nature of the feminine representations within this work.
Brunet, E. (2011). Hyperbase. Logiciel hypertexte pour le traitement documentaire et statistique des corpus textuel. Manuel de Référence. Version standard 8.0 et 9.0. Disponible sur le site : http://ancilla.unice.fr/hyperbase/manuel.pdf
Guiraud, P. (1954). Les caractères statistiques du vocabulaire. P.U.F.
Machado, A. (2006). Figures féminines dans le Voyage en Orient de Gérard de Nerval. Lanore. Collection « littératures ».
Muller, C. (1968). Initiation à la statistique linguistique. Larousse.
Née, P. (2010). De quel voile s'enveloppe le Voyage en Orient de Nerval ? Littérature, 158(2), 75-91.
Nerval (de), G. (1980). Voyage en Orient. Garnier Flammarion.
- 31-01-2025 (2)
- 30-01-2025 (1)
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