Impersonal Constructions with Suppressed Subjects in Gascon
Supporting Agencies
- Gobierno Vasco, proyecto IT1439-22.
In this article we explore the pronominal construction with an undetermined subject in Gascon (Romieu, Bianchi 2005), which involves the se clitic. This construction could be considered passive, and in turn, the se clitic could be thought as an intransitivizer. Alternatively, this construction could be also regarded as an impersonal with a suppressed subject (Blevins 2003). This is actually the hypothesis that we put forward in this paper. As we will show, the implicit subject of the pronominal construction in Gascon is both semantically and syntactically present and, consequently, this configuration could be typified together with not only other se/si constructions in Romance languages like Italian (Cinque 1988), Catalan (Bartra 2002; Fernández, Berro, Pérez Saldanya in press) and Spanish (Mendikoetxea 1999; Ormazabal, Romero 2019) among others, but also with other constructions in genetically non-related languages such as Basque impersonals (Ortiz de Urbina 2003; Fernández, Berro 2021; Berro, Odria, Fernández 2022).
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