Pragmatic Factors in the Explicitation of First-Person Subject Pronouns in Parliamentary Speech


Keywords: Pragmalinguistics, Facework, (Im)politeness, Analysis of parliamentary discourse, Personal pronouns, Explicit subject


The explicit use of personal pronouns jo and nosaltres with the syntactic function of sentence subject in a pro-drop language like Catalan carries certain socio-pragmatic information related to the management of social image by the interlocutors. In the present study we focus on the functions of the two subject pronouns in current Catalan parliamentary discourse. The analysis carried out allows us to verify that it is an important resource of the self-image of politicians, which allows them to highlight their attitudes, preferences, or opinions, which can be individual or group. This strategic communicative behavior often includes effects on the figure of other people involved in the communicative situation. The expression of the pronoun can serve to establish a contrast between the speaker and the others and can produce an impolite effect or, on the other hand, the pronoun can serve to maintain equilibrium between the images involved and, in this case, the effect can be polite.


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Author Biography

Lucie Kuzmová, Universitat Masaryk Brno

Lucie Kuzmová és doctora en Llengües Romàniques por la Universitat Masaryk de Brno (República Txeca) y professora titular del grau Llengua i Literatura Catalanes a la mateixa universitat. La seva recerca es dedica a la pragmalingüística de la llengua catalana, sobretot a les qüestions relacionades amb la (des)cortesia verbal, les activitats d'imatge social, l'atenuació i la intensificació lingüístiques.


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How to Cite
Kuzmová, L. (2024). Pragmatic Factors in the Explicitation of First-Person Subject Pronouns in Parliamentary Speech. Estudios Románicos, 33.