Lexical Concerns in José Saramago's Works of Fiction


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/ER.569571
Keywords: José Saramago, works of fiction, lexicon, lexical options

Supporting Agencies

  • Trabajo apoyado por el Centro de Estudos em Letras (CEL) y por la Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)


One of the great concerns of writers is choosing the most appropriate lexicon for what they want to say. José Saramago (1922-2010), the Portuguese Nobel Prize in Literature, also had these concerns, but with the difference that he expressed them in the text itself. The objective of this study will be to identify in his fictional works the passages in which comments about the lexical options he took.

We will note that, taking the ones from his first literary phase, Terra do Pecado (1947) and Claraboia [1953], as well as the short story collection Objeto Quase (1978) and the novel Ensaio sobre a Lucidez (2004), where it is not possible to identify no explicit comments on the use of the lexicon, the author, in the remaining works of fiction, makes his comments whenever he considers pertinent.

The tone of the comments is in the form of small hesitations and reflections of the narrator with himself or between characters in dialogue, and which, in other writers, certainly happening, would be absent from the text. In some cases, the tone is ironic or shocking, like a wink at the reader, creating a moment of complicity with him.


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Author Biography

José Barbosa Machado, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

José Barbosa Machado es Profesor Asistente con Agregación en el Departamento de Letras, Artes y Comunicación de la Universidad de Trás-os-Montes y Alto Douro (UTAD). Doctor en Lingüística Portuguesa por la UTAD (2002) y Máster en Enseñanza de Lengua y Literatura Portuguesa por la Universidad de Minho (1996). Se graduó en Humanidades por la Facultad de Filosofía de Braga (UCP) en 1992. Ha publicado más de 40 libros y decenas de artículos en revistas nacionales y internacionales. En la UTAD, además de impartir varias unidades curriculares en el área de Ciencias del Lenguaje, es investigador del Centro de Estudios en Letras (CEL), habiendo colaborado en varios proyectos de investigación. Áreas de interés: Lexicología, Morfología, Sintaxis, Semiótica, Historia de la Lengua Portuguesa, Historia de la Prensa. Es autor del Diccionario de Primeros Libros Impresos en Portugués, publicado en 4 volúmenes en 2015.


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How to Cite
Barbosa Machado, J. (2024). Lexical Concerns in José Saramago’s Works of Fiction. Estudios Románicos, 33. https://doi.org/10.6018/ER.569571