The rewriting of oneself in the Other or the Experimentation of a New Identity


Keywords: Self-rewriting, Collective ego , Distancing , Host language, New identity, Permanence


In Harrouda of Tahar Ben Jelloun, the rewriting of oneself in the other is intended as a form of self-apprehension. By placing himself between two codes, different from each other by their respective referents, Ben Jelloun digs a distance from the collective ego and tries to appropriate an equivalent self that is not grounded in the community culture. Aware that the test of otherness accomplished in the signs and referents specific to the mortgaged language can dig another gap in the being, Ben Jelloun in no way slows down the effort to remain himself by negotiating the acquisition of a new identity outside the roots where his people have forged their being.


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Author Biography

Jalal Ourya, Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi – Tétouan, Maroc

Jalal OURYA exerce en tant qu’enseignant-chercheur à la Faculté Polydisciplinaire de Larache, Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi – Tétouan, Maroc. Il a soutenu sa thèse sur : Ethique, Esthétique et Action dans l’œuvre poétique de Léopld Sédar Senghor. Ses recherches portent sur l'éthique et le système d'écriture dans les littératures française et francophone


BARTHES Roland (1964) : Essais critiques, Paris : Seuil.

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GONTARD Marc (1981) : La Violence du texte, Paris : L’Harmattan.

HAMON Philippe (1984) : Texte et idéologie, Paris : PUF.

MESCHONNIC Henri (2007) : Ethique et politique du traduire, Paris : Verdier.

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RICHIR Marc (1991) : Du sublime en politique, Paris : Payot.

RICŒUR Paul (1990) : Soi-même comme un autre, Paris : Seuil.

RICOEUR Paul (2016) : Sur la traduction, Paris : Les Belles Lettres.

WISMAN Heinz (2012) : Penser entre les langues, Paris : Albain Michel.

How to Cite
Ourya, J. (2023). The rewriting of oneself in the Other or the Experimentation of a New Identity. Estudios Románicos, 32.