Neologisms in specialized discourse. A comparative analysis of football stadium names in four European countries.
The present contribution intends to innovate in neology and onomastic analysis, by relying on an empirical study of soccer stadium names in France, Germany, England and Spain, in order to validate on corpus a holistic, discursive, cognitive, and interdisciplinary approach of neology. For this purpose, we will establish a theoretical framework, based on the recognition of the limits of formal models of neology, in order to integrate discursive variables, and also to capture the totality of the social mechanisms governing the displayed use of linguistic structures. These structures are characterized by non-compositionality and specialized informational linearization. In fact, the soccer stadium names, result of the naming process, related to the commodification of the soccer sector, deploy a new neologic structure such as <[SPONSOR]+ [GENERIC TOPONYM]>, which gives birth to results such as Allianz Arena or Emirates Stadium. This analysis of stadium names is part of a larger project focused on specialized discourses.
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