Walking as a learning route in youth and children's literature

the example of Jean Giono's Le petit garçon qui avait envie d'espace

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/ER.425891
Keywords: J. Giono;, Youth literature;, Bildungsroman;, J. Giono; youth lDialectic of the in-between;, Poetics of space;, G. Bachelard;, L. Carroll;


This article proposes to analyze the function of land and aerial walking in Le petit garçon qui avait envie d'espace by Jean Giono. Crucial and constantly present throughout the story, the walking pattern will give us the possibility to wonder where the story leads the young hero but also his adult alter ego: Giono himself. Our study will be essentially stylistic. As far as the methodology is concerned, we are mainly indebted, to a large extent, to the poetics of Gaston Bachelard, who takes the form of reading and writing-walking and produces dynamic reflection. Thus, the study of the chosen text will also refer to other works by Giono such as Jean Le Bleu and Le voyageur immobile and to those of other youth literature writers such as Lewis Carroll. Building series by the game of neighborhoods and echoes, we will try to approach Giono's fascination with the bush routes, the great outdoors and the airways, necessarily initiatory, which lead to them.


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Author Biography

Timothée Charmion, Université Pedagogique de Cracovie

Timothée Charmion est chargé de cours à l'université Pédagogique de Cracovie où il enseigne la langue française. Ayant travaillé en milieu universitaire mais aussi en école primaire, collège et lycée en France et en Pologne, il prépare actuellement en co-tutelle un doctorat consacré aux rapports entre environnement et mémoire dans la littérature. S’inscrivant en grande partie dans le domaine des littératures slave et romane, ses recherches et travaux s'intéressent notamment au traitement de la mémoire paysagère, y compris dans les littératures dites "mineures" (bandes dessinées, albums, romans jeunesse...).


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How to Cite
Charmion, T. (2020). Walking as a learning route in youth and children’s literature : the example of Jean Giono’s Le petit garçon qui avait envie d’espace. Estudios Románicos, 29, 15–27. https://doi.org/10.6018/ER.425891