Epistolary travel stories in Arabia in the 18th century


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/ER/377131
Keywords: Travel story, Arabia, Letter, Epistolary, Enlightenment, La Roque, Joseph de La Porte, Desfontaines, Eyles Irwin


Narratives of travel to Arabia in the eighteenth century are often stories written during the journey. These letters form after the return of the traveler the matter of a story published by the traveler himself or by a publisher. The letter that constitutes the travel narrative is usually of particular value: it gives the story a more real character. Based on an analysis of four epistolary travel relationships, this article's main objectives are to prove the presence of letters in travelogues in Arabia, to demonstrate the functions and characteristics of these letters, the originality and specificity of each epistolary narrative. Our study focuses on the letter as a narrative, and not as a mere ornament or circumstantial element related to the course of the action.


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How to Cite
Al-Hajebi, A. (2019). Epistolary travel stories in Arabia in the 18th century. Estudios Románicos, 28, 11–30. https://doi.org/10.6018/ER/377131