Don Quijote, Las Meninas, and the Baroque Notion of Metaart


  • Esther Bautista Naranjo Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Keywords: Baroque, Representation, Perspective, Depth, Self-Conscious Art, Interartistic Reflection


Don Quixote and Las Meninas represent, from two different artistic realms, a symbolic reection upon the nature of Art. Cervantes’ Don Quixote could be considered a book of books, where the literary phenomenon is dramatized and becomes part of the ctionalized world: libraries, the idealization of books and characters, the literary critique that some characters undertake, and the very story is an allegory of literature. Its contemporary Las Meninas, a painting in which metaartistic reection reaches its height, shows a collective portrait where the content of the canvas includes the artist, the spectators, and, through a set of mirrors, it creates the notion of perspective. Both works go far beyond their concrete themes and situations in order to represent transcendent scenes that show the essence of the artistic phenomenon. A novel of novels, a painting of paintings, Don Quixote and Las Meninas both participate of a similar preoccupation that is conveyed through the pages of the novel and the lines of the painting. This study aims to highlight these theoretic and pragmatic conjunctions dealing with the baroque expression of Art though Art. 


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Author Biography

Esther Bautista Naranjo, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Esther Bautista Naranjo es Profesora Contratada Doctora en la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, donde ejerce su docencia sobre Análisis y crítica literaria y Literatura francesa de los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII en el Departamento de Filología Moderna. Sus ámbitos de especialización son la literatura comparada francesa e inglesa, la mitocrítica, la literatura fantástica, el mito y la recepción internacional del Quijote.

Ha realizado estancias investigadoras en diversos países y pronunciado conferencias en las Universidades de París-Sorbonne, University College London, Università di Torino, Columbia University, y es autora de tres libros, así como de 30 artículos en revistas cientícas indexadas sobre sus centros de interés.

Ha recibido premios de investigación como el III Premio de Investigación Cervantista José María Casasayas (2014) y el VIII Premio Internacional de Investigación Científica y Crítica “Miguel de Cervantes” (2013). 


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How to Cite
Bautista Naranjo, E. (2017). Don Quijote, Las Meninas, and the Baroque Notion of Metaart. Estudios Románicos, 26, 129–142. Retrieved from