From the slave to contemporary Antillean woman: literary chronicle of a traumatic motherhood


  • Isaac David Cremades Cano Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Antillean francophone literature, Female literature, Motherhood, Identity


The aim of this study is to analyse the most relevant specific traits of motherhood in francophone Antilles, through the study of the evoked vision of certain female writers. The characters of their narrative allow us to verify the intimate rela- tionship that is established between the particular conception of motherhood and the slavery past in its less known dimension. Resistance, infanticide, solitude, abandonment and broken family ties, are some of the aspects related to the subject of motherhood and the search for identity that emerge from the analysed works of fiction. Indeed, the mentioned aspects of the family structure, the position of women in relation to motherhood and the inherent complexities to the Antilles’ society, to its past and its evolution, become a major source of female inspiration and differentiation.


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Author Biography

Isaac David Cremades Cano, Universidad de Murcia

Doctor en Filología Francesa. Profesor asociado en el Departamento de Filología Francesa, Románica, Italiana y Árabe de la Universidad de Murcia.

Líneas de investigación: Literaturas actuales de expresión francesa, literaturas francófonas Antillas-África y literatura femenina.


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How to Cite
Cremades Cano, I. D. (2016). From the slave to contemporary Antillean woman: literary chronicle of a traumatic motherhood. Estudios Románicos, 25, 179–190. Retrieved from