Hypothesis of signified in the making: Llamada, Llamado, Llamamiento


  • Pascal Treinsoutrot Equipe Accueil 4080 Linguistique et lexicographie latines et romanes de l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)
Keywords: Arbitrariness, Motivation, Onomasiology, Semasiology, Uniqueness of sign, Signified in the making


This article deals with the links between signifier and signified from the study of three deverbal nouns: Llamada, llamado and llamamiento. They were studied in context and coupled with a limited set of adjectives determined on the basis of their frequency of use. By comparing the utterances collected with the semeiological analysis of the three forms, it seems possible to show that the morphological singularity of the signifier is a way in to a signified which is also unique. Our interest in the "reading" of these surface forms (morphologies) has led us to consider this reading in relation to time and movement: this is a construction process for the signified which we term signified in the making.


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Author Biography

Pascal Treinsoutrot, Equipe Accueil 4080 Linguistique et lexicographie latines et romanes de l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)

Maître de conférences -ESPE de Paris (école supérieure du professorat et de l'éducation) de PARIS/Université PARIS-SORBONNE, 10 rue Molitor 75016 Paris. Doctorat de langues et littératures, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, 2003.

Axes de recherche : approches sémasiologique et onomasiologique, motivation et arbitrarité du signe, élaboration d’une sémantique du signifiant.

How to Cite
Treinsoutrot, P. (2015). Hypothesis of signified in the making: Llamada, Llamado, Llamamiento. Estudios Románicos, 24, 211–224. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/estudiosromanicos/article/view/245411