La noche créole en los relatos de Maryse Condé: desarrollo del imaginario y de la identidad cultural


  • Isaac David Cremades Cano Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Antillean Francophone literature, Creole night, Oraliture, Condé, Creole- ness


The Guadeloupean writer Maryse Condé describes us, through her Antil-lean-themed narratives, the distinctive features of the Creole night and invites us to look into her contribution to the identity definition. The contrast between day and night, as well as real and marvellous, became the starting point of this study. Taking into account the importance of “la parole de nuit” in the antillean stories and the development of the cre-oleness concept, we try to describe the different aspects that night inspires in the author’s creole imagery, by describing the experiences of some of her characters. Ulmately, then, this study allows us to contrast the oraliture evolution in this author’s literary work and her inclusion in the current Antillean Francophone literature.


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Author Biography

Isaac David Cremades Cano, Universidad de Murcia

Profesor  asociado  en  el  departamento  de  Filología  Francesa,  Románica,  Italiana  y Árabe de la Facultad de Letras, Universidad de Murcia
How to Cite
Cremades Cano, I. D. (2013). La noche créole en los relatos de Maryse Condé: desarrollo del imaginario y de la identidad cultural. Estudios Románicos, 22, 29–42. Retrieved from