Use of Team Management software to optimize communication and organization of a psychiatry clinical placement.


  • Luis Miguel Rojo Bofill University of Valencia
  • Cecilia Sanjuán Ortiz 2 University and Polytechnic Hospital La Fe, Valencia, Spain
  • Francisco Bellver Pradas University of Valencia
  • Pilar Benavent Rodríguez University of Valencia
  • Vanessa Saiz Alarcón University of Valencia
  • Eduardo Jesús Aguilar García-Iturrospe University of Valencia
Palavras-chave: Medical education, Team Management software, clerkship, Microsoft Teams, innovative education


Effective communication and organization are essential for ensuring quality clinical education in undergraduate medical training, including clinical placements. This study analyzes the use of Microsoft Teams (MT) as a tool to enhance communication and organization during a clinical placement. MT was used for organizational and communicational purposes as well as to facilitate the implementation of complementary teaching activities of psychiatry placements for final-year medical students at the University of Valencia. Students were included in a Team for their clerkship period and university hospital. Communication was possible through the General Channel of the Team and a Chat. Important files for the organization of the clerkship were shared using the platform and activities were integrated using the Tasks function. The number of days on which students connected to their Team were registered. Global and weekly percentage days of connection were calculated. Interactions within the General Channel of the Team were also registered. 118 students completed a four-week rotation in two university hospitals. 100% connected to MT during the clerkship. 93.2% connected, at least, 15% of the days. The median of percentages of access to the Team was 39.1% (IQR = 33.7). Engagement levels varied across weeks (p < .001, what was coherent with the clerkship’s structure). 76% of students interacted at least once within the General Channel. Most interactions (63%) were responses to previous commentaries and 100% of them had an organizational purpose. The use of MT was moderate and adjusted to the structure of the placement. Results suggest that Team Management software is a useful tool that can be adapted to fulfill the complex organizational and communication needs of clinical placements.


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Como Citar
Rojo Bofill, L. M., Sanjuán Ortiz, C., Bellver Pradas, F., Benavent Rodríguez, P., Saiz Alarcón, V., & Aguilar García-Iturrospe, E. J. (2025). Use of Team Management software to optimize communication and organization of a psychiatry clinical placement . Revista Espanhola de Educação Médica, 6(2).

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